The age old question….why do bad things happen to good people? Does God create evil in the world? Why does He allow tragedy to take place? If God is all-loving, why do people experience suffering?
The human condition is to experience these things, to suffer at some point during our lives. It skips no one. It doesn’t matter our race or religion, our gender or socioeconomic circumstances. It could start as something global like a natural disaster, war, or terrorism. Or it can be much closer to home, like the death of a loved one, addiction, divorce, serious illness, or significant financial crisis. We’re all going to experience something bad in our lives, maybe many things. The question is “why”, given that we have an all-loving God.
Although an avid reader of faith-based books, including the Bible, I’m no Scripture scholar or theologian. For the Church’s teaching…in easy to understand terms, I’d suggest watching Fr. Mike Schmitz, my favorite Homilist and speaker on our faith, in this 7-minute video.
For me, every time I’ve experienced tragedy or heartache or pain in my life, it’s brought me closer to God. I’m currently going through something which I’d love to not be dealing with. It’s not one of the global things from above, but closer to home. It’s not something I’d wish for me or anyone else. Like past challenges it’s brought me closer to God. As such, it’s caused me to look within, reflecting on how my actions have impacted the situation. It’s also caused me to reach out for help. It’s not only helped me grow in my faith, but be more who God calls me to be.
Things are crazy in our world today. With so many challenges, I think it’s sometimes easy to wallow in our sorrows. I’m not suggesting there’s no time for sadness or empathy. And I’m not suggesting that life is easy. My sense is that it’s not supposed to be. We’re certainly not guaranteed that it’s going to be.

Know that God loves you more than you’ll ever know, no matter what you’ve ever done. As Fr. Mike says, God doesn’t create the bad times, but does allow them to take place. As tough as it may be at times, I’d encourage you to embrace all in your life, growing in everything you experience. And if I can be so bold, be in a place of gratitude, thanking God for all.
I sincerely hope that you and your family had a Happy Thanksgiving, grateful for all as we head into the Advent season.
As always, please email me at [email protected] with questions, concerns, comments, or prayer requests.
God Bless you on your Path to Peace, Joy, and Fulfillment!!!
Remember…God made you for Greatness!!!
Mark Joseph