Patrick Mahomes is a tremendously talented quarterback and a strong Christian as well. Please indulge me for a second as I draw some comparisons and make a few observations.
When I turned my book manuscript into my editor at Our Sunday Visitor, it contained 59,000 words. She returned it to me with 26,000 words, indicating that I needed to figure out a better way to state an additional 12,000-14,000 words. It was a humbling experience.
Part of what she cut out was my reference to the wildly successful NFL quarterbacks that are from the Pittsburgh area. The list includes:
- George Blanda
- Johnny Unitas
- Joe Namath
- Joe Montana
- Dan Marino
- Jim Kelly
All six of the above are in the NFL Hall of Fame. Add to the list Terry Bradshaw and Ben Roethlisberger, current and soon-to-be Hall of Famers, together responsible for six Pittsburgh Steeler Super Bowl championships.

My point in the book was going to be that all of these quarterbacks consistently exuded a confidence, a comfort level, irrespective of their performance on a play by play basis. Regardless of whether they may have thrown a bad pass or an interception or two, or whether they were down by three touchdowns, they’d have no hesitation or lack of confidence. They’d throw the next ball, then the next ball, followed by the next ball, often times winning the game.
Not knowing where any of these great quarterbacks were or are on their faith journeys, I drew the comparison to those who truly understand the love of Christ, surrendering all to Him, understanding in humility that it’s not us, but Him working through us…not caring what others think, using our God given gifts, with Holy Spirit boldness, being all that God calls us to be.
There’s a freedom in the surrender, in the humility. Relying on the Lord, it takes the pressure off. It’s where greatness lies.

Patrick Mahomes plays as described above from both perspectives. The Kansas City Chiefs came from behind in their final three games of the season, both playoff games and the Super Bowl. As you might imagine, Patrick was instrumental in each victory. In the Super Bowl, he had thrown 2 interceptions before rallying the team to victory and being named the MVP.
Obviously incredibly skilled, evidence of the second point above is well documented. Mahomes has said his faith is a big part of his life and keeps him grounded. Becoming committed to his Christian walk in middle school, Patrick is quoted as saying to ESPN, “My faith has always been a big part of what I do… I’ve grown up in church and faith really helps you know why you’re playing the game, and who you’re doing it for”.
In many interviews, he credits God, especially related to awards he receives or milestones he achieves. I saw an interview where Patrick talked about his weekly faith routine, namely never missing Weekly Bible Study or Team Chapel on Saturday nights. He also spoke about his pregame routine of praying while walking the field.
Patrick is obviously very talented and well prepared for each game. He’s incredibly exciting to watch play the game he loves, now a Super Bowl MVP and Champion. What’s very nice to know is what a good and humble guy he is, so committed to his Christian faith. Praise God!!!
What other public figures do you know who wear their faith on their sleeve? Feel free to shoot me a note on that or any other questions, challenges, or comments at [email protected].
God Bless you on your Path to Peace, Joy, and Fulfillment!!!
Mark Joseph