Do you spend time in prayer? Do you do it on a regular basis? Why do you pray? Is it for you? Is it for God? Is it helpful? Will you continue doing it?
For a long time, I did not pray regularly, especially prior to my conversion. Then I became aware of the merits of prayer, the benefit it brought to my life, in not only providing me direction, but bringing me peace.
I posted a blog, Prayer that Works, on July 4, 2018, that explains a prayer process that has worked for me over a long period of time. It can be found here.
For me, prayer comes in many forms and at many times throughout my day and the week. It wasn’t always that way, but the more I’ve done it, the more value I’ve found in it. Part of my prayer life is the rote prayers I learned when I was young (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be), in addition to a couple others, one of which I wrote in 2009. It really speaks to my spirituality, my journey, and my message. I wanted to share it with you today.

Thank you God the Father; Thank you Jesus!!!
Dear Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, thank you for dying that torturous death on the cross for each one of us, including me. Thank you for rising from the dead so that I can live in Your Glory.
God the Father, thank you for loving me enough to give me Your only begotten Son.
Lord, thank you for my journey, every step along the way…the good, the great, the wonderful, the bad, the terrible, the ugly. I am where I am because it is where You want me to be. I am who I am because it’s who You are making me to be. I trust in You Lord, to make me and shape me for Your Glory.
Thank you for loving me, blessing me, showing me Your Will, showering me with Your Grace, and granting me Your Peace, which can only come from being in a place of…
- Surrender
- Gratitude
- Humility
- Love
Lord Jesus, help me to understand and internalize your Unconditional Love and Forgiveness, fully living these gifts….
So that with Holy Spirit Boldness, using my God-given gifts, not caring what anyone on this earth thinks of me…I can be all that You call me to be in serving You.
Dear Lord, help me to always see Christ in All and be Christ to All, living Your Will, helping others become the best versions of themselves, which is True Love…Christ’s Love.
Please give me the strength and courage to evangelize my Faith, living the Gospel, sharing the Gospel, using words when necessary and always.
When done for the Glory of God, the unimaginable is achievable.
For all those on Your Journey, please grant us peace. For all those seeking, help us find. And for all those lost, help us see.
I ask this blessing for all of us on this great earth, including my family, friends (including you), and myself.
I ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

As always, feel free to comment to me at [email protected].
May God Bless you on your Path to Peace, Joy, and Fulfillment!!!
Mark Joseph
3 replies on “Who Needs Prayer…I Do”
[…] Also included as part of my daily routine is the prayer that I blogged about last week, found here, which really speaks to […]
[…] Prayer I wrote that speaks to my journey and spirituality. You can find it at (past blog). […]
[…] and Glory Be. Since my conversion, I’ve added to that the long form of the Serenity Prayer and a prayer that I wrote in 2009. The difference as opposed to before, is that I now hang on every word of each of those prayers, […]